Posts from 2014

3 Items

Customer Segments & Value Proposition: What comes first?

by Jochen Kressin

Working with the BM Canvas I love the business model canvas. I really do. For me it is an ideal tool to work on and fine-tune your business model, and it works great in workshops with customers too. At the end of such a workshop my client has a better, deeper understanding of her business, knows […]

When is it time to stop your business?

by Jochen Kressin
Money down the drain

Stopping a Startup Ah, we all love entrepreneurship. There’s something exciting and thrilling about bringing the brilliant idea you had in the shower to life and make a multi-billion company out of it. We all like to start new things. But we also know that the majority of startups will fail to turn into a sustainable […]

Measuring a startup

by Jochen Kressin
Measuring a startup

Normally I do not write posts just referencing other posts. But I have to make an exception here because  I was really impressed about an article ion techcrunch. It’s titled The Complete Quantitative Guide To Judging Your Startup and it talks about which KPIs investors use to judge your startup – and ultimately to decide […]