Free: The Future of a Radical Price

Free: The Future of a Radical Price

Author: Chris Anderson

I know, this is a controversial read. Chris Anderson states that we are on our way from the "economy" to the "freeconomy". Charging nothing for a particular service or product and make money some other way will become the norm rather than the exception. In the digital economy, CPU, storage and bandwith have become so cheap that thay are actually "too cheap to meter", so you can build a business with nearly zero operational cost. Giving a product away partly for free, e.g. by implementing a freemium model or subsidizing is now doable and eradicates the penny gap from your business model. While I do not agree with him on all points, the book provided me with a lot of things to think about. If you wonder how future business models in the digital age can actually create revenue and profit, read this book to get some fresh and sometimes radical ideas.

Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Ökonomie. Merkmale Strategien und Auswirkungen

This book is in German and has a more scientific approach than most of the books I recomment in the libararies section. Written in 2002, it's also a little bit outdated here and there. Nevertheless I need to mention it here, since it strictly focusses on business model innovation in the digital economy. It explains and defines the key terms business model and business model innovation, but then talks about why we need business models especially in the digital economy and why the traditional strategic management is not sufficiant anymore. If you are familar with terms like Rescource-Based-View, Market-Based-View and strategic management in general but still believe these tools are sufficiant to survive in the digital economy, you should probably read this book.