
6 Items

Customer Segments & Value Proposition: What comes first?

by Jochen Kressin

Working with the BM Canvas I love the business model canvas. I really do. For me it is an ideal tool to work on and fine-tune your business model, and it works great in workshops with customers too. At the end of such a workshop my client has a better, deeper understanding of her business, knows […]

When is it time to stop your business?

by Jochen Kressin
Money down the drain

Stopping a Startup Ah, we all love entrepreneurship. There’s something exciting and thrilling about bringing the brilliant idea you had in the shower to life and make a multi-billion company out of it. We all like to start new things. But we also know that the majority of startups will fail to turn into a sustainable […]

Measuring a startup

by Jochen Kressin
Measuring a startup

Normally I do not write posts just referencing other posts. But I have to make an exception here because  I was really impressed about an article ion techcrunch. It’s titled The Complete Quantitative Guide To Judging Your Startup and it talks about which KPIs investors use to judge your startup – and ultimately to decide […]

Value of profit versus value of purpose

by Jochen Kressin

What is the purpose of an organization? Well, if you read the classic management books they will tell you that the most important purpose is to generate revenue and profit. That’s certainly important, since no company can survive without it. On the contrast, if you read any book of Peter Drucker, he will tell you […]

Disruption – and why big companies don’t get it

by Jochen Kressin

  We need some new disruptive ideas! Sounds familiar? Have you heard this sentence in your company before? Well, I certainly did, a number of times. Everybody is talking about how disruptive innovation can lead to phenomenal growth and that everyone should pursue it. And then – nothing. Some ideas are tossed around, but none […]

Business Models and Strategy in the digital domain, part I

by Jochen Kressin
Business Models and Strategy

When talking about business models with someone who is experienced in strategic management and especially familiar with the theories of Michal Porter, I often hear the following questions: Is a business model the same as strategy? How do business models relate to the domain of strategic management? If we already have the well-defined and thoroughly […]